05 November 2007

Walk-Ins Welcome

As a long-time student of all things paranormal and occult in nature, one of my favorite subjects is one that the average person doesn't know much about - the walk-in. Now, if you mention reincarnation to someone, they know what you mean. Angel sightings...no problem. But mention a walk-in and you'll be treated to a head cocked to the side and ears up like a dog who doesn't understand a command.

If you don't know what one is, here's a very basic definition: it's the soul that takes over a body when another soul leaves. (Like I said...very basic). I've read varying reasons for why this occurs. 1) The walk-in as discarnate spirit who takes over the body of the host to raise spiritual consciousness in a population. 2) An immature soul resides in a body placed under extreme trauma. An older more experienced soul takes over to "teach." - In this instance, it's unclear to me whether both spirits occupy and integrate into one within the body, each having their own function or how it works out. 3) The immature soul leaves because it cannot cope with situations placed on it, so an older soul takes over to finish their own journey if they can benefit from the lessons learned in that life.

Of all the definitions I've found, I think I like 3 the most. The one about raising the spiritual awareness of a population seems a bit inefficient to me. Wouldn't a soul as important as that enter the body it needed to be in from the very beginning?It seems like too much moving and sorting after the fact.

The second seems a bit crowded, but makes sense with some of the articles I've read about people who claim to be walk-ins. Some walk-ins report they experienced a "reorientation" period to their own life before finally finding the strength to move on. (This after some horrific trauma in their life.) One woman I read about had been physically abused by her husband for years and said he'd beaten her so bad she landed in the hospital unconscious. When she woke she felt as if she didn't belong in her body, or her life anymore. (Brain damage? Could be, but this is a paranormal blog, not a medical one so I'm not wearing that hat at the moment.) As she healed, she found the strength to leave her abusive husband. All her attitudes, thoughts and beliefs changed seemingly overnight. A new woman was born from the ashes of her destructive circumstances.

However, I think I like reason number 3 because it's kind of like you and a buddy splitting a shift at work so you can both have half the day off. It's also an extremely efficient way for souls to learn their lessons and move on without having to live an entire life. Kind of moves things along...though what is eighty some odd years to an ephemeral being?

Oddly enough, though I have read paranormal romances ever since they were like finding the proverbial needle in that freakn' haystack, I've only read one book which utilized this extraordinary and largely overlooked concept, and that was a charming book titled Wrapped in Wishes by Olga Bicos. Not only does it incorporate the idea of walk-ins but also reincarnation.

I've been trying to formulate a storyline that fits with a walk-in character - not to be confused with a walk-on one - and have to admit it's a difficult concept to incorporate into a novel without having to over-explain the matter. Still I find it an interesting concept and always keep my eyes out for articles pertaining to it.

Ahhh...perhaps one day.



Anonymous said...

I felt like one of those Yorkies with its ears perked and head cocked. LOL. I'd never heard of walk-ins and I too have been reading paranormals since they hit the market.

Terrific subject matter and fascinating. I'll have to tuck this concept at the back of my mind and see if something sprouts.

Liz Kreger

Sela Carsen said...

I'd never heard of walk-ins, either. I read a short/novella long ago about a woman who was mortally injured in her contemporary body, then travelled back in time to take over the body of another woman who was dying in childbirth. She lived through childbirth, the other woman (total bitch) died. I guess. And her contemporary body died, too.
Is that a walk-in?

Kathleen Scott/MK Mancos said...


Sounds like it might be and placed in a time travel plot. The author might not even have realized she was doing a walk-in and just needed a vehicle for her TT mechanism.

I'd be interested to read that story though. Sounds good.


Xakara said...

I didn't know other people were as interested in the topic of "spirit squatters", "life-swapping", and reincarnation the way I was.

I've looked for a great deal on the concept of souls taking on bodies mid-life, or mature souls slipping into bodies where the original soul left due to trauma. Most stories I've encountered have been in television format, it seems to lend itself to episodic television more than print.

I had an outline and rough draft for a story dealing with a soul transfer from one body to another via a heart transplant. The entering soul didn't remember who it once was until halfway through a relationship with a man who was her brother in her previous life. It made for some great angst without having to actually cross the incest taboo.

I might have to dust that off and see if anyone would be willing to touch it.

Thanks for bringing it back to mind. :)


Jenna Leigh said...

Ooh, brings all new meaning to the term "Soul Sisters" huh? Though, that would be a cool title.

Michele said...

I've read the scenario but never heard it named anything. What an interesting post!

I too like the third.

The concept of souls inhabiting other bodies on purpose, by switching .. even Harry Dresden, the wizard, had that happen to one of his superiors. But that was for evil purposes.

Heck, Even Star Trek dabbled in that though not for enlightenment but for power, gain and a stupid plot.

Anyway, Loved the post!

Sela Carsen said...

This occurred to me in the shower today. What's the difference between a walk-in and being possessed?

What? I think about weird stuff in the shower, ok?

Jenna Leigh said...

I just remembered a movie that featured a walk in, The Prophecy starring Christopher Walken. Omigawd, he so creeps me out yall!

Anyway SPOILERS! Not kidding. SPOILERS!

Eric Stolz--the only redhaired dude I think is hawt by the way--plays an angel who steals a very bad man's soul and places it into a little girl for safekeeping. Christopher who plays the creepiest frickin archangel Gabriel in like ever, comes after it and some narsty icks happen after that. But the little girl has two souls in her body at once. So, you've got Walken (ew) and a walk in. Ta daa! Okay, it's on right now, how do you think I remembered it? Gah!

PS: Viggo plays a verra creepy, evil yet sexy devil. Meowrr!

Kathleen Scott/MK Mancos said...


I think it's a fine line, but an important one. My understanding of it is that walk-ins are there to help...or to learn something as well. They are benevolent souls. I think a possession is more of a malevolent one.
