Tree: White Willow (Salix alba)
Letter: S
Deity: Brighid, Cailleach, Morrigan
Month: February, Imbolc, aka "Witch's Moon" or "Moon of Balance"
Color: Yellow (some sources say any bright color)
Animal: Hare, cat, hawk
Planet: Moon
Flower: Primose
Gemstone: Moonstone
The white willow's young branches are feathery, flexible and droopy (though not as droopy as the weeping willow). It grows in wet soil near rivers and streams and has long history in healing and religious ritual. Orpheus was said to have received his gift for poetry by touching the willows Persephone's sacred grove. Since then, many artisans have followed his example to gain eloquence, inspiration and skills.
The Christian celebration of Easter sprang from the ancient of Druid creation mystery that says the universe was hatched from two eggs hidden within the willow's multiple trunks. In spring rituals, colored eggs were placed within a willow to commemorate this event, then eaten at Beltane.
The Celtic word for Saille means sudden outburst of emotion, action or emotion. In Native American culture, the willow's gentle branches were said to sweep away fear. The branches are said to be ideal for Wiccan besoms, divining water, and finding lost objects.
Water always seeks a stable level. In divination, when Saille appears it could be telling you to pay attention to the imbalances in your life, be they physical, spiritual or interpersonal. You could be entering into a time of bursting psychic growth, intuition, imagination - or maybe self deception! A time of enchantment is at hand; new winds are blowing and you need to be prepared to adapt.
Saille could also be warning you of danger to you or loved ones, probably from an older, cronish woman. The lesson she brings will be unpleasant, but in the end all will be well.

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