20 May 2010

13 Things Editors and Agents Want When You Query

Is it time to throw your spaghetti against the wall and see if it sticks? If you're in the process of submitting your work to editors and agents, I'm sure you've heard the advice about checking -- and following -- each agency's or publisher's guidelines before you submit. That being said, here are 13 things you're likely to find that editors and agents want when you query, so be prepared!

1) No attachments

2) An attachment of your first 30 pages and maybe even another of your synopsis

3) 5 pages pasted on the bottom of your query

4) 20 pages pasted on the bottom of your query

5) 1-2 page synopsis

6) Chapter by chapter outline

7) Your sales history

8) New writers welcome

9) No emails--please query only on paper

10) No paper--please query only via email

11) Where you see this book fitting into the market; what authors are you "like"?

12) For the writer not to compare herself to other writers

13) Most importantly -- a fresh voice!


Though guidelines are often contradictory, the fact is, it's almost as easy to follow each set of guidelines as it is to disregard them and piss people off. Sure, they'll possibly remember you if you 'forge your own path' (eg ditch their stupid rules because they don't apply to your awesomeness), but they won't remember you fondly and they won't remember you with an eye to acquistion.


Jody W.
www.jodywallace.com * www.meankitty.com

1 comment:

Divaa Divine said...

ok i ll pay heed

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