These days, our planet Earth could use a bit of both.
Here are a few things you can do to celebrate both Earth Day (April 22) and May Day/Beltane!
- Declutter and donate. As long as you're spring cleaning, do it right! Be ruthless and get rid of anything you haven't seen, touched or used in more than a year. Don't just pitch everything, though. Your local Goodwill, Salvation Army or homeless/domestic abuse shelters can use:
- Clothing & shoes
- Small appliances
- Toys, games and books
- Older but still functioning computers/laptops
- Unused toiletries leftover from when you went crazy at that last 2-for-1 sale - Recycle all those cardboard Christmas gift boxes you've got stuffed under the bed. (Yes, dear hubby, I'm talking to you!)
- Your local chapter of the American Association of University Women or Friends of the Library might appreciate your old books.
- Send your used paperback novels to soldiers serving overseas.
- Plastic grocery bags - there's a reason these are being outlawed in some states. Please don't throw these out with the garbage - save them and drop them in the collection box many grocery stores have their front doors.
- Oh, but keep a few to stuff in your pocket to collect trash on your next walk in the park.
- Take a stand against climate change and observe Earth Hour. Turn off electrical appliances, lights, computers, etc. for one hour. Do something crazy, like, um...talk to your kids and your spouse! ;)
- A great project for schools, churches, scout troops, etc. - Earth Day Groceries Project. "Borrow" paper bags from the grocery store (ask the manager), decorate them with earth-friendly messages, and return them to the store to be given to customers.http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
- Put your talent to work! Contribute a photograph to the Earth Day State of the Earth photo project.
- Learn about kid and pet friendly, toxin-free cleaning products. Can't find these in the store? Make your own!
- Take a hard look at your overstuffed linen closet (come one, admit it, you know you have one!) and take out at least half of what's in there. My guess is you've got more towels and maybe sheets than you need or use. Your local animal shelter would love to have them! Here are a few more ideas.
- Save a few tin cans from the recycle bin and make Tin Can Herb Pots.
- Don't throw out that broken wooden chair - or that half a can of leftover house paint. Make a Faerie Chair!
Happy Earth Day and Blessed Beltane!
I need to take this list to heart. I especially like your word choice in the first one -- I must be "ruthless" when it comes to parting with my stuff.
And it's cool that you mentioned passing paperbacks along to the troops.
Thanks! I'm getting more ruthless as I get older. My husband argues that "we might need that someday" but I've found that rarely happens.
In fact, the more junk I get rid of, the more I realize we've often bought two or three of something. Why? Because when we went to find the needed item, we couldn't find it under all the other stuff!
Thanks. I'm always looking for ways to recycle. :)
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