27 December 2013
Christmas blues
Like many people, I always feel a bit 'let down' once Christmas Day has come and gone and the mounds of torn wrapping paper, gift packages and candy wrappers have been cleaned up. It's not that I didn't have a good holiday -- it was fantastic! Each family member was happy with their gifts. We had few arguments and no mishaps that required emergency room trips. ;) We had a pleasant visit with relatives and most of the cats got along peacefully -- that, in itself, a major accomplishment.
But it's over. We dedicated almost 100% of our time and resources to preparing for this one, singular day. Once that day has passed into history, we're often left feeling a bit, as my son would say: 'meh'.
This year, I came to a realization that has helped alleviate a bit of the blues. The journey is what's important, not the destination -- a lesson on the whole of life, as well as the smaller journeys within. The entire trip from late fall to Christmas morning brought with it joy, frustration, good will, irritation, and peace. An odd combination, to be sure.
So I've accepted early on that I would feel a bit 'meh' on this, the 27th of December. But it's a good 'meh'. ;) It's not exactly depression, it's just a bit of sadness that another special milestone in life has come and gone. There will be many more. And the journey to those will be just as chaotic, emotional, sometimes dull, and possibly exciting and exhausting.
I accept the 'meh'; I accept that while we keep up with certain traditions, as our family grows the holiday must grow and be flexible, as well. Best change of all: the children now let me sleep past the break of dawn on Christmas morning.
While I don't necessarily make New Year's resolutions, I do have a special wish for each and every one of us. I hope we each remember to enjoy the journey, every step, every day of the way.
Happy New Year!
Meg Allison
Indulge your senses...
22 December 2013
Grandma Got Run Over By a Shopper
‘Tis the season of peace and joy, or at least that’s what we're told from childhood on. The truth is that anybody who has ever had to go in a store--for anything--between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day knows that people are generally not in a good mood. Drivers lose the ability to drive. Shoppers are rushed, rude, and exasperated. People in general are not at their best.
Why is this? The crazy pace of modern life is a big part of the problem. We are expected to do more, faster, than ever before. There is also more stress than ever before, which definitely contributes to the problem.
On the other hand, this rude attitude has been around for a long time. One of my first memories of this time of year is being knocked down by a woman and her shopping cart. She didn't even apologize. I suspect the exhaustive, crazy, overwhelming feel of this season is mostly caused by the pressure to have perfect holidays, combined with guilt if you don't spend a large amount of money on perfect gifts, food, decorations, and clothing.
In other words, the winter holiday season has been hijacked by retailers. The more the pressure to spend, spend, spend (even on Thanksgiving Day!), the more money the big corporations can make.
Now I have nothing against retailers making money, but my humble opinion is that things have gotten way out of hand. The answer? Beats me. I just hope there is one.
Have a wonderful holiday season,and please don't let it get to you. The important thing is family and friends. And enjoying yourself!
twitter: @cheryelhutton
21 December 2013
A Christmas Giggle!
Enjoy, and Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, or however you celebrate the return of the sun!
On a more Medieval note, enjoy this period piece from "Apollo's Fire - Duan Nollaig from Sacrum Mysterium: A Celtic Christmas Vespers."
Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/carolanivey
20 December 2013
Reintroducing Myself!
19 December 2013
Thorin: A House Divided Cannot Stand
Our theme this month, characters in conflict with themselves, suits the recent movie The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug perfectly. Several of the characters have inner conflicts, but nowhere is it more visible than in Thorin's struggle to reclaim his homeland and restore his family's honor.
Tolkien wasn't just writing about fantasy characters, dragons, dwarves, and elves. While The Hobbit was, admittedly, less of an epic than The Lord of the Rings, he still saw his characters as foils for people around him and universal challenges facing humanity. In Thorin, Tolkien saw a grieving son trying to restore the honor of his family as well as his people. His grandfather had been driven mad by wealth and power and received the harshest punishment imaginable: a dragon came and destroyed his kingdom, killing hundreds and scattering his people to the winds.
At the time Tolkien wrote, the backdrop of World War I and the factors that led up to World War II informed his storytelling. He fought personally in WWI and lost comrades. More than that, he saw WWI through the lens of history and, in some ways, The Hobbitis a reflection of that – a cautionary tale for a king. Beware the lure of gold, the story says, or you may go mad and destroy your homeland.
What I find interesting about Richard Armitage’s performance is that he’s utterly at home in his character. He is Thorin, a flawed man, but a hero none-the-less – and a king. He sacrifices and does what is necessary for his peoples’ survival. But he is also grieving for his lost father, which we see more in this movie than in the first one. In the opening, he meets with Gandalf because reports of his father have surfaced and he desperately wants to find him.
In contrast, King Thranduil is an insular king, closing his borders to the outside world and refusing to aid Thorin. He is a character worth hating, a man blinded by power and prestige within his own borders and uncaring what happens outside it or how it may affect his people. He saw the ravage of the dragon, and the greed of Thorin’s father, and is unmoved to help Thorin now. He no longer has an inner conflict because he’s given up, and given in to his baser instincts where Thorin still struggles to be larger than he is.
I am looking forward to Peter Jackson and his team’s vision of the final chapter in this story. I found myself wishing that the story were longer (and the movie was nearly three hours as it was!). The portrayal of Middle Earth reflects modern life and informs it, makes it richer – and cautions us about undue greed, loyalty and power.
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”
- E.E. Cummings
The Chicagoland Shifters series:
Book 1 BURNING BRIGHT, available from Samhain Publishing.
Book 2 TIGER TIGER, available from Samhain Publishing. An All Romance eBooks Bestseller!
The Persis Chronicles:
Check out COOK LIKE A WRITER , available from Barnes and Noble.
Coming soon - "Taking a Chance" is being re-released from Torquere Books!
My links: Blog | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon | LinkedIn | Pandora
Knoontime Knitting: Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Ravelry
Noon and Wilder links: Blog | Website | Facebook
The Writer Zen Garden: The Writers Retreat Blog | Forum | Facebook | Twitter | Meetup
Team Blogs: Nightlight | Nightlight FB Page | Beyond the Veil | BtV FB Page
Publishers: Samhain Publishing | Torquere Press
14 December 2013
Characters in Conflict with Themselves
The first thing that popped to mind was a writing book I read so long ago I can't remember the title, much less the author. The book recommended creating characters by picking a principal personality trait (or two) and throwing a person with that trait against their polar opposite. Bad against good. Hero against coward. Crowd-pleaser against agoraphobic. You get the picture. It was, according to the author, a foolproof a recipe. You take your sweet and mix it with your sour, and baddaboom, you got yourself a book.
The second was something William Faulkner said in his Nobel Award acceptance speech: "The young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat."
Naturally, I don't agree with either of them. Not entirely.
I'm sure by-the-numbers character creation works for some. After all, I know people who use spreadsheets to write their award-winning books. But for me, it would only result in fake people in artificial conflicts. No one and nothing in my world is entirely one thing or the other. Everything in my universe is a double-edged sword.
I'm better with Faulkner...if you ditch the aging lion's complaint about all them young whippersnappers. People in conflict with themselves--like Death in Kimberley Troutte's Soul Stealer --can make for powerful stories, but...
But what about Bram Stoker's Dracula? The Transylvanian dude isn't in conflict with himself at all. He wants blood, and he's going to do whatever it takes to get it, without guilt or second thoughts. Everyone else in his story is simply a means to an end.
Consider Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind. She wants something that no one can take away from her, and she'll do anything to get it. Her problem is she doesn't know what that something is until the very end. But once she figures it out, she's going after it. No guilt. No apologies. No angst.
Likewise, Rhett Butler isn't her opposite. He's her mirror. Her greatest strength doesn't cause her to stumble, either. Her strengths are wit and determination. All her problems arise from applying her wit and determination to unworthy goals. The problem isn't her strength. It's the application of that strength and the consequences it entails.
Consequences--that's the key for me. It doesn't matter if the character is operating from their strengths or weaknesses. Their actions have consequences, and those consequences drive the conflict.
In "The Gap in the Fence", my story for Athena's Daughters (inserting plug for the Kickstarter here :-) ), ten-year-old Ana's greatest strengths are her determination and her empathy. They aren't stumbling blocks, but they do force her to act in certain ways. Those actions bring her in conflict with her best friend's mother, a powerful fairy, and ultimately, the friend she was trying to help.
But those character traits aren't stumbling blocks. They're necessary to her sense of self and agency. But they do have consequences.
Likewise, the other characters aren't her opposites. None of them are, for example, bad or weak-willed in opposition her goodness and strength. But their own needs entail consequences, consequences which bring them into opposition with Ana.
For me, it's all about consequences. And heart. And creating characters who act like people, not emoticons.
And if they wind up in conflict with themselves, well, that's fine, too.
Jean Marie Ward
PS, For those who are interested in reading a taste of "The Gap in the Fence", you can either pop over to my website, or check out the blog I did on the Athena's Daughters Kickstarter. You can even go straight to the Kickstarter. It has pictures. And a video. And an astronaut...
13 December 2013
The Flip of the Coin
Aren't all good attributes only the flip-side of something darker? Ambition is only a hair away from greedy, charm just a word away from manipulation, benevolence just a step from martyrdom, self-assurance a sneeze removed from assholery. Many strive for self-reliance and end up self-contained and lonely. Others look for an outlet for their love and affection and end up being used. Don't we always have to self-check to make sure the pendulum doesn't swing too far and we let our best characteristics turn into the thing that makes everyone run when they see us coming, or turns us into the person who's always taken advantage of? And, as writers, isn't it just plain old fun to push our characters into choppy, ugly waters before we let them redeem themselves or find the upside to being what they are?
Even when it's something a character can't help, a place or situation they've been born into and can't escape, there has to be a downside to being... well... them. There has to be. Otherwise, what's the point?
In my latest release, Jaguar in the Sun, the hero Xbal is a jaguar god. Wouldn't being one be just freakin' awesome? He can shift into jaguar form, do magic (including a particularly intense form of sex magic that takes eons to perfect) and is immortal. What could be better than that?
Ahhh... well, that last one is the bugbear. Immortality. In a world where very few other beings live forever like he does. Love, which he's experienced in the past, is something to be avoided when you know there's no doubt you'll outlive your mate...and have eternity to mourn him or her. As Queen sang, "Who wants to live forever, when love must die?" Xbal isn't against love, he just wants no part of it because it hurts too damn much. There's nothing he can do about the immortality, but he can control his heart.
Or so he thinks.
Have a great holiday everyone, and see you all in the New Year!
12 December 2013
Characters and Holidays
The good stuff starts at about the one minute mark.
Have a happy holiday! ---Corrina Lawson (corrina-lawson.com)
11 December 2013
2014 Will Be Epic!
I'm kind of sad to see 2013 go, because even though it didn't start off great -- Hubby having surgery, car accident, computer dying, the passing of so many people we loved -- it had some nice times too. Great vacation with the family. New car. New computer. Great conferences, time with friends, new friends, new conferences. It was pretty good, overall.
However, I am SUPER EXCITED for 2014 to start because there are so many BIG THINGS coming next year.
First of all, I have a story in a Steampunk anthology that comes out next year. The anthology is called Gaslight and Grimm and will be published by Dark Quest Books. It's all Steampunk fairy tales. I wrote a version of The Three Little Pigs, which contains no pigs whatsoever. There are some other authors whose Names You Might Know who will also have stories included. Not sure of the release date yet, but I will make a big announcement when it comes out.
I SHOULD also finish the final Library of Athena book next year. Should. It's coming along and I really like where it's going. It will be a fitting end to the series, with a couple of twists I didn't even know about until I wrote them down.
The other bit of news is a BIG HUGE SEKRIT. I cannot tell you. Or, I could, but then I'd have to kill you. Or give you kittens, or something. This is the Most Exciting piece of news of all the news that I have to share. Hopefully it will be able to be shared in the next two weeks. I am BURSTING.
I'd love to tell you. But I can't. Just know that 2014 Will. Be. Epic.
10 December 2013
The Gap in your Library You Didn't Know You Had
It isn't that I don't love the book--and "Fixed" my story in it. I do. There are scenes in that story that still make me giggle. And I can't begin to describe my delight at sharing space in the table of contents with writers like Seanan McGuire, Barbara Ashford, Elizabeth Bear, Jay Lake and Jim C. Hines. But "Fixed" was my last story to to see print or pixels, and it was published in February 2012!
It isn't that I haven't been writing. I have, and I've got the callused fingertips to prove it. It isn't that I haven't sold stories. Or signed the contracts. Or done all the things writers are supposed to do.
No, the fault lies with the vagaries of the publishing stars. Anthologies that were supposed to appear in 2013 were pushed back to 2014. Meanwhile, more recent stories have been slated for--you guessed it--2014 publication dates.
Finally, 2014 is almost here, and I can draw back the curtain on one of those projects, a story called "A Gap in the Fence" in the 2014 anthology Athena's Daughters from Silence in the Library Publishing. Yes, there will be an excerpt, but first I want to tell you about the project.
The participating authors include friend of Beyond the Veil Gail Z. Martin, multiple award-winner Mary Robinette Kowal, Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Sherwood Smith, Janine Spendlove, Vicki Johnson-Steger, Cynthia Ward (no relation that I know of, alas), and that other Ward girl--me! Veteran editor and bestselling author Jean Rabe will be doing the editing honors (and she may even add one of her own wonderful stories). Not only that, we're going to have a real, live astronaut writing our introduction: Colonel Pamela Melroy, USAF (Retired), the second woman to command a space shuttle! How cool is that?
Almost as cool as the ideas behind Athena's Daughters. The stories are all by women, about women, celebrating their strength at every phase of their lives, from ten to eighty. Not just physical strength either, but all the ways women show their strength. Wit and grit. Determination. Adaptability. Empathy. Courage in the face of overwhelming odds.
In addition, the anthology seeks to help women find their strength. A portion of the of every book sold will go to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline in partnership with more than 1,100 local rape crisis centers nationwide, and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense.
Athena's Daughters also marks a publishing first for me. This will be my first post-submission crowd-sourced project. Silence in the Library doesn't solicit funding until they've assembled and readied a project for production. As a result, the folks who contribute know what they're getting in advance. They know the book will be published and can see how great it will be, because it's already almost done. For a $5 pledge they are guaranteed an electronic copy in the format of their choice. And it gets better from there!
As the stretch goals are reached, you get signed postcards and additional ebooks from the contributing authors--and the anthology adds more stories. Bigger pledges net paper copies of the anthology (including a very special hardcover edition), Tuckerizations (a character named in your honor in one of the anthology's stories) and original art. Yeah, art. Did I mention every single story will have its own original illustration?
All for a click and a pledge.
Not sure, yet? Well, how about this: my story, "The Gap in the Fence" features two little girls, three special dogs, and one box-obsessed cat. The jacket copy reads: "Ten-year-old Ana will do anything to save her best friend's dog from being put down--even braving the fairies who live behind the Gap in the Fence."
Finally, here's that excerpt I promised you:
Now you want that link, right? It's the Athena's Daughters Kickstarter. And we've got an astronaut!
Jean Marie Ward
09 December 2013
Gifted…or Cursed? Making Your Character’s Greatest Power Their Biggest Stumbling Block
It's fun to make things challenging for our characters. Why? Because the harder it is for our hero to succeed, the more likely readers will read on to make sure that he does.

In SOUL STEALER, my first novella for Samhain Publishing, my main character was Death himself.
Cain's job was to help a person's soul pull away from the body and head on to heaven, or you know, the other place.
Killing was Cain's power. And he was good at it. He'd been perfecting his skills since the dawn of man.
The problem occurred when he fell in love with a woman he couldn't have. When his lips met hers, his power kicked in and wham-bam she died. Yeah, hate it when that happens.
Cain then had do what he wasn't meant to do--bring her back to life and keep her that way. This went against the rules and before he knew it everyone from heaven and hell were after the couple to try to drag her soul up to heaven where it belonged.
I won't give away anything more, but hopefully you get the idea. A person's greatest gift can turn into a nightmare in the hands of a crafty author. Waahaha. (That's supposed to be an evil laugh).
This is the last post from me until 2014. Have a happy and blessed holiday and a safe New Year.
And as always, thank you for stopping by. My compadres in crime and I appreciate it.
Kimberley Troutte
25 November 2013
Writing Over the Holidays
In my case, it's a little trickier because I just finished writing the second book in my String of Fate series. It's called King's Throne and it's the sequel to Cat's Cradle. It should be published sometime next summer, I think.

I also have a new release coming up in just about two weeks - Wolf Quest, the sequel to Wolf Hills will be released on December 10th. (Pre-order now!) And in the meantime, I have to write the next installment of my Redstone Clan series, Magnus. In fact, I need to start getting serious about that next project, starting today.
One of the best tools I've discovered in the past few months is something called The Pomodoro Technique. Basically, you use a timer to count off 25 minutes. You don't let anything distract you or do any other activity during those 25 minutes - no cheating! At the end of 25 minutes, you take a quick 5 minute break before diving back in for another "pomodoro" of 25 minutes on/5 minutes off. After a few of these, you take a longer break, but by that time, you've got a nice chunk of work done!

Oh, and if you haven't yet started reading my continuing Tales of the Were, in just five days, I'm releasing a special edition of Rocky and Slade in a single ebook volume. It'll be on sale for the rest of 2013 and is a good way to introduce yourself to the series if you haven't read those two books already. Here's a little bit about it:
Get both Rocky and Slade in a single ebook bundle!
Rocky - On the run from her husband's killers, there is only one man who can help her now... her Rock.
Maggie is on the run from those who killed her husband nine months ago. She knows the only one who can help her is Rocco, a grizzly shifter she knew in her youth. She arrives on his doorstep in labor with twins. Magical, shapeshifting, bear cub twins destined to lead the next generation of werecreatures in North America.

And now there are two young lives to protect. Rocky will do everything in his power to end the threat to the small family and claim them for himself. He knows he is the perfect Alpha to teach the cubs as they grow into their power... if their mother will let him love her as he has always longed to do.

Slade is a mystery. A warrior and spy who serves two masters - those in the human world and the Lords of the Were. They've sent him to Nevada to track a brutal murderer before the existence of all shifters is revealed to a world not ready to know.
Kate is a priestess serving the Goddess and the large community of shifters that have gathered around the Redstone Clan of werecougars. When their matriarch is murdered and the scene polluted by dark magic, she knows she must help the enigmatic man sent to track the killer.
Together, Slade and Kate uncover not one, but two, evil mages that they alone can neutralize. It's a tricky situation because Slade finds it hard to keep his hands off his sexy new partner, the cougars are out for blood, and the killers have an even more sinister plan in mind.
Can Kate somehow keep her hands to herself when the most attractive man she's ever met makes her want to throw caution to the wind? And can Slade do his job and save the situation when he's finally found a woman who can make him purr?
* Look for the other books in this series, available now in ebook and print.

The Tales of the Were includes:
Main series: Lords of the Were, Inferno
The Others: Rocky, Slade
Redstone Clan: Grif, Red, and three more coming soon!
The Brotherhood of Blood series is related, and includes:
Vamps: One & Only (novella), Rare Vintage (novella), Phantom Desires (novella), Sweeter Than Wine (novel), and Forever Valentine (novella)
Wolves: Wolf Hills, Wolf Quest
You can find links for all of this on my website at: WWW.BIANCADARC.COM
Now, start your timers and get busy! :)
- Bianca
24 November 2013
How To Stay in the Desk Chair Saddle
I spent years trying to figure out how to keep my butt in my chair and my hands on the keys (also known as BICHOK). Somehow I finally stumbled on the secret—at least for me. If there's a rule in this crazy writing business, it's that nothing works for everybody. This thing I figured out, it wasn't about tricks and self-discipline. What it is about is motivation—and to get myself motivated I had to do some serious self-searching. It wasn't easy, but it worked for me.

1. For you, is writing a hobby, a part-time job, a career, something else entirely?
2. Looking at your answer to the above, decide how much time, money, effort you are willing/able to put into writing to make it what you want it to be.
3. Depending on your answer to the above, decide what you want to achieve over the next few weeks, months, years. Set a goal that seems reasonable to you, then add more time to that to leave room for things taking longer than you think they will, and for the inevitable delays.
These questions and answers will change over time, so be sure to reevaluate frequently. Now you know if what you're currently doing is too little—or too much—time, money, effort to get you where you want to be.
Now you have what you need for self-motivation. Look at your goals and what you need to do to reach them. Each day you can evaluate how you're doing and if you need to maybe get your BICHOK going. It's much easier to get yourself going if you have a clear goal of what you want to achieve and the time frame in which you want to achieve it.
Have a happy and successful holiday week!
21 November 2013
"Getting" Busy
Our theme this month is "Getting Busy: Tips for Staying on the Writing Track Through the Holidays."
What's this "getting" busy stuff about, huh? I'm already busy AND IT'S NOT EVEN THANKSGIVING YET! I went to the Dollar Tree, usually my go-to source for decorations. This year, I've been trying to get festive since we moved into a bigger Chez Noony and have, like, space.
So, I walked into my favorite neighborhood haunt, actually my second favorite, the BIGGER one up on Howard Street, and WAS ASSAULTED BY RED AND GREEN EVERYWHERE! I MEAN EVERYWHERE! THERE WAS NOTHING TURKEY-RELATED IN THE WHOLE DAMN STORE!
So, I wandered the whole.damned.store. Not a fracking turkey anywhere, nothing fall related even. No leaves, no goofy kitschy things I could put on my turkey table to festive it up a bit. It's two weeks after Halloween, Mama, and Christmas is way, way the fuck off over there! And you're telling me we've collectively had a conniption fit and forgot the fricken' turkey dinner halfway between Halloween and Christmas??? What???
I decided to at least buy some more Thanksgiving cards, since we're not going to be visiting our family this year for dinner. I started a new day job that I love and haven't accumulated enough vacay to go. ~sob~ They did have cards, but then it hit me: when the frack am I gonna have time to fill these puppies out? And holy shit, did you realize Christmas is coming?
On the radio in the car on the way back home the lady said we need a new holiday, Hallow Thanksmasbowl. I damn near drove into a tree, though I'd be hard-pressed to say if I was crying or laughing or both. How pitiful is it that we have all our holidays mashed into this one eight week span of time where we run ourselves ragged, trying to get everything done and spend all this money on credit that come February, we're gonna hate ourselves for?
So, here's my decision. I'm rebelling. I'm not going to get all excited and hot-and-bothered about the holidays and I sure as shit am not going to focus on Christmas until its due time, thankyouverymuch. THANKSGIVING is up next, and I'm celebrating. Not because I think it's fun that my ancestors massacred millions of indigenous people. (Actually, half my ancestors. The other half were still in Ireland getting shit on by the English, but that's a different story.) (Which, incidentally, probably explains my push-pull relationship with myself, because half of me is the oppressor class and the other half is the oppressed. "Help, help! I'm being oppressed!" "Shut up, you." "See? Come see the violence inherent in the system." Is it sad that I suddenly understand Monty Python in a very personal way?) Now, where was I? Lack of turkey. Ah, yes.
So, be thankful, my friends. We have much abundance in our lives, particularly since we're reading and writing together on this great interweb of ours. The folks in the Philippines have seen first-hand what can happen in the blink of an eye and so can my fellow Illinoisans (if you're not aware of our home-grown hardships, 16 serious tornados decided to eat half our state and our neighbor, Indiana). Take a step back from the melee and focus on what's important.
Which, come to think of it, is pretty damned effective for keeping on the writing track, too. See? I can too stay on topic.
Come check out our new release! This week, Torquere Press re-releases "Taking a Chance," our short contemporary M/M romance about Jay and Chance.
Doctor Jacob Davison has outgrown the hookups of his younger days and wants to settle down. When he’s abandoned by the side of the road, a leather-clad stranger stops and offers him a ride. Chance Renton is different from anyone Jay’s ever met. He’s caring and helpful, yet cynical and world-weary.
From the first moment of their shared motorcycle ride, an attraction begins to simmer between them. Between Jay’s ex-boyfriend showing up and the misconceptions they have about each other, does this relationship have a chance?
16 November 2013
Duck Soup, or Writing your Way Through the Holidays
First the car needed a new gas line. And two rear tires. And a patch in the left front tire where there was a nail sticking out. The mechanic fixed the problems. I paid, went for a drive, and hit a curb too soon on my way home, exploding the right front tire.
The irony was not lost on the mechanic. He nearly strangled himself trying not to laugh when the tow truck drove my poor abused vehicle back to the service station.
In addition, I caught a cold before Capclave, my local SF/fantasy/horror convention. Whoever heard of getting the crud before the con? I felt like I was channeling Typhoid Mary. I followed it up with a series of minor health issues. Nothing required a prescription, but I was spending way too much time in my local drug store. Then there was a little misunderstanding with my insurance company, the service people who didn't show up when they were supposed to... Can you say "nibbled to death by ducks"?
Meanwhile, I'm facing deadlines on two stories, and the holiday season begins in less than two weeks. Guess who's NOT participating in NANOWRIMO this year.
Listening to this litany, you probably guessed I'm not one of those people who thinks writing always trumps real life. Sometimes, life gives you ducks--mean, nasty, carnivorous ducks--and no quackers... Er, I mean, crackers.
But that doesn't mean I've given up on my deadlines. I value my rep--and the prospect of payment--too much for that. I'm just not worrying overmuch about word counts.
It goes back to an epiphany I had one day at the old office job. It was summer, hot (Duh!), and for some reason I decided to buy twenty pounds of something at a store roughly a mile from the office. Did I mention it was ninety degrees plus HOT? And humid. As I walked back from the store, my stride grew slower and slower and slower, until I couldn't take another step. I just stopped.
My office was still two blocks away. I stared down the street. I'd never get there at this rate.
But I'd never get to the office--and its air conditioning--at all if I didn't move. There weren't any cabs in view, and people weren't exactly lining up to offer aid. It was all on me. So I took a step, then another, and slowly made it back to my office.
Writing is a lot like that walk back to the office. It's long. It's hard, and the going can be a lot slower than you planned. But you'll never arrive if you stop moving.
Which finally brings us to this month's theme: my strategy for writing through the holidays. It's simple; I'll just keep at it. The units of my progress don't matter. So what if all I can accomplish today is open the document file for my Steampunk Vs. Aliens story. Tomorrow I'll open the document and write a word, or two, or fifteen. I'll research my story about the 1814 Burning of Washington, DC, when I'm stuck on the Metro or waiting for the duct cleaners to arrive. As long as I keep moving toward my goals, I'll get there.
With a small detour to cook up a pot of duck soup. When it comes to those feathered pests, I'm not above nursing a grudge.
15 November 2013
Holiday Madness
So I plan to "do" Christmas this year, rather than just throw the tree up a couple of days before-hand and pretend it was enough. And where does that leave my writing? I'm not 100% sure. I'm not used to being able to produce at this time of the year, so it'll be a novel experience (pun intended, hopefully) to actually have a bit more time to devote to it. With the kids grown and all having their own things to do, and most of our families far away, I think it'll be fairly quiet around here. Not ideal perhaps, since this is the time for families, but until I have a grandchild or two (looks innocent) I think this is how things will go.
Now just to entice my old witch of a muse to get her butt off whatever beach she's hanging out on and come home for the holidays! I have the next book in the Unveiled Seductions series to write. In the mean time, here's a sneak peek of my next release.
Coming soon from Ellora's Cave: Jaguar in the Sun Available December 4, 2013
14 November 2013
The Hard Makes it Great
On any given day, an emergency with one of my kids can happen, usually meltdowns at school that require instant attention. I can't commit to a solid schedule or even look for an outside job--I'd have to miss too much time or leave at the drop of a hat.
All of which isn't complaining. I love my kids, I love all the writing I do. But every now and then, people who are aware of my daily life say "how do you do all this?"
I don't really know how I manage to scrounge time every day to write fiction. My methods vary from day to day, to handwritten chapters to daydreaming to getting up early/staying up late.
But I don't think that's the real question people are asking. I think what they really want to know is "how do you motivate yourself to find the writing time?"
Writers have all kinds of organizations available to provide motivation. We're in the midst of one right now with National Novel Writing Month. The Romance Writers of America chapters offer courses and workshops on motivation and creativity. And that's just scratching the surface.
I'd write without any of that. Because the answer to the question of "how do you motivate yourself to find the writing time?" is that I want it that bad, no matter how hard it gets.
Motivations and support can keep a writer going during challenging times but the want and need to create has to eventually come from within.
I'm not sure where my inner motivation comes from. I know from the time I was little, I made up stories, either on paper or in my head. My first work of any length was at age 14 and it was a mosh-up of John Christopher's Tripod series with Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Elvish lords in exiles saved someone fleeing slavery from aliens. Yes, even then, I was tossing a whole bunch of genres in a blender and hitting "stir." If the internet had existed back then, I would have written reams and reams of (probably very bad) fanfiction.
Along with my love of stories came a drive to finish. Partially because I love writing stories too much to abandon one and partly because of my emotional background. I lost my dad when I was young and that left me with a sense that life is short. I don't want to leave things to some later date because I might not be around at that later date.
There's a sense in the back of my mind that there's just no time. So I squeeze everything I can out of what I have.
How does all this help you to write? I'm not sure but I'm guessing each and every storyteller out there has a desire, sometimes hidden, to get that story told.
Listen to that voice that whispers and nurture it until it shouts and screams at you to keep writing.
And that's hard. But, remember, the hard is what makes it great.
Corrina Lawson's book can be found at www.corrina-lawson.com, and you can usually find her wandering about her house, notebook in hand or daydreaming about the next story.