Edits are going along nicely on this book so I've had time to write some new things, including a cat-shifter urban fantasy story that mixes big cat shifters and martial arts in a cool urban setting. More information on that project as it becomes available.
And I've been gearing up for a number of appearances. First, I'll be doing a signing at the Borders store in Middletown, NY next Saturday, Sept. 13th. If you're in the area, please drop in! I'll also be at Lora Leigh's Reader Appreciation Weekend (RAW) in at the Pullman Plaza Hotel, Huntington, WV, on the weekend of Sept. 19-21.
The newest and most exciting addition to my schedule has to be Albacon. On the weekend of Oct. 10-12, I'll be a guest at Albacon in Albany, NY. I'm thrilled to be part of this event, since the Guest of Honor is none other than Anne McCaffrey! Woo-hoo! I'll be co-hosting an after-banquet get-together with my good friend, author Stella Price, so look for more information on that if you plan to attend the con. I think it'll be great fun.
One more item of note, my cat-shifter/vampire menage novel, Sweeter Than Wine will be in print at the end of October. It's already available for pre-order on Amazon and will hit stores right around Halween some time. Great timing, huh? :)
Now that I've taken up most of my blog with news, I find I have little room for the creatures of the night, but perhaps we'll get to talking about them next time, eh? ;-) Have a great week everybody!
Come over to The D'Arc Side... http://www.biancadarc.com/
You're a very busy lady. Congrats on the smokin' new cover.
And good luck with all your appearances and have fun at Albacon.
Cover looks awesome Bianca! Glad things are going so well.
NJ & Missy - THANKS! :) Yeah, I love the new cover too. Glad you both like it! :)
Very cool beans on all counts, Bianca! Love the cover. And it's too funny that you'll be hanging with Miss Annie too. Thanks to a combination of wonderful circumstances, I got to spend some time with her at Dragon*Con. She's a living legend and a very gracious lady.
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