30 July 2010

Why do I write Romance?

Someone I used to know very well caught up with me on Facebook this past week. After swapping catch-up stories, we moved on to where-we-are-now stories…and the question came up: Why romance?

I realized I am having this conversation quite a lot recently. So I asked myself, why do I write romance? There are a lot of reasons.

I like the Fairy Tale - Happily-Ever-After - aspect. I love to see the good guy get the girl, the underdog win the day, and the villain crushed under the heel of Karma.

I love characters I can embrace and live through vicariously. Characters who embody the elements and characteristics I admire and aspire to give me an escape from my daily drudgery. Life can be monotonous and literary fiction can be downright depressing. I want to read to escape the drama of reality, not embrace it.

There is still that little girl inside me who remembers the first brush of that first crush…and every time I read a good romance, I get the thrill of reliving all those “first” moments – first sight, first kiss, first date…etc.

But wait! All those are reason why I read Romances.

And that is exactly my point. I write the type of stories I enjoy reading. I don’t want to change the world. I don’t aspire to make a statement about the oppression of women or the evils of the cycle of abuse or any other issue plaguing society today. I want to bring people joy by way of escaping the humdrum reality of real life drama.

Speaking of - if you're looking for a little escapism or a beach read for that last month of summer vacation, ANGELIC AVENGER releases in paperback August 4th. :)

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