I should also mention my upcoming release - Jaci's Experiment - will be out on August 5th. Get ready! I also noticed that three of my upcoming print books are now available for pre-order through Amazon: Sweeter Than Wine, Davin's Quest, and also FireDrake. They won't be out until the ends of October, December and March, respectively, but Amazon's getting a jump start and at sale prices too! ;-)
Now, in honor of Jody's upcoming release, I promised to share a little garden tidbit passed down in my family. Gnomes and fairies are said to inhabit fairy rings of toadstools. (Check upcoming installments of "Legends & Lore" on my blog on 7/19 & 7/26 for the lodown on toadstools and fairy rings.) There's something particularly magical about the poisonous red toadstools with white dots.

- Line the inside of the bowls with plastic wrap so that the edges hang over and you have something to pull on when you want to remove your newly-formed toadstools.
- Then line that with a layer of old newspaper to help soak up some of the liquid from the cement.
- Mix your cement and pour it into your "molds" - the paper and plastic lined bowls. Make some shallow and some deep to vary what your toadstools will look like when done.
- Poke a hole in the bottom of each one where the dowel or stick will sit when it's dry. You can even leave the sticks/dowels in while they dry. Push them deep enough so that they have a good grip on the toadstool, but not so deep that they will poke out of the top.
- Let them set. Probably overnight.
- When they're hard enough, pop them out of the molds and remove the plastic and paper. Let them dry fully.
- Paint them red. I use acryllic craft paint available in most stores. The outdoor kind is better, but all acryllic paint is waterproof after it's dry, so the cheap stuff works fine too. ;-) Let the red coat dry. Reapply if you need to make them redder or cover any bald spots. Let them dry completely.
- Paint white dots over the red. Let dry.
- Position them in your garden. Little clumps of them with a gnome in front is precious!
Best of luck to Jody with her new release!!!
Bianca D'Arc
Come over to The D'Arc Side... http://www.biancadarc.com/
The red color would also hide any blood splatters. Good idea! A little known fact -- that's why gnomes wear red hats.
Jody W.
LMAO!!! Glad you like it, Jody. :)
Congratulations on the releases--imminent an upcoming--ladies!
Jean Marie
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