26 June 2007

My Time To Howl

Doe Ray Me Me Me Me *choke* Have you ever waited so long for something to happen then got what amounts to cyber stage fright? I should be used to it by now, but I always get that way. Today's the day. The Wolf's Heart is OUT! Yeeehaw!! I'm so happy and yet, so terrified people will hate my baby that part of me wants to snatch it back and hide it where nobody will ever see it again! LOL. However, I'm proud of my wonderfully weird werewolf, not to mention the wicked woman who loves him, so without further ado..

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The Wolf's Heart is available now from Samhain Publishing! Yeah!

Now, I'm just HTML savvy enough to link the picture to the site, so if you click it, it'll take you to the buy link and the excerpt, just like the blog below, however if you click on the smaller picture, you'll get another sneak peek.

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I hope you enjoy Lainie and Marcus in The Wolf's Heart, they're two of my most favorite characters. He's all alpha but she's just sassy enough to ensure that sparks will fly. I'm already working on the second story in this series and of course, these two have made an appearance. Now to make sure they don't upstage my hero and heroine.

Happy Reading Everyone!

Jenna Leigh


Stacia said...

Oh - I can't buy this one yet but I've added it to my TBB list. The cover is so sexy - I love it. And the book looks like it'll be a great read!!!

Jenna Leigh said...

Thanks Stacia! But um, you can nurple his mantitty for free, you know. I'll understand. *weg*

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your release, Jenna! I love werewolves :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenna, you're number 10! Fast work! Congrats :)