23 September 2007


Also known as Mabon, Feast of Avalon, Second Harvest, Festival of Dionysus and of course the Autumn Equinox. It is the time where day and night stand in equilibrium, and for a moment we are left to reflect on the balance in our lives as we prepare for final harvest and the coming winter. The nights are getting longer, the winds are getting colder and the veil is growing thinner by moment.

Spring and Summer give rise to thoughts of Faerie Circles and the magic of Youth, but there is something significant about Fall that calls up thoughts of the supernatural. Knowing that we’re going into the Dark Time, the Great Slumber, opens us up to see and hear more of the world than we ever manage to take in the rest of the year.

We once celebrated the sensitivity of this season by giving thanks to the land, placing offerings for the wee folk, and preparing to welcome back our ancestors before the snows came to blanket the fields. Over time and many conquerings, the reverence was lost, changed, turned from the deeply spiritual and every day, to the comical, childish, and disregarded or outright appropriated. Only as of late have we begun to reclaim this time of year for all who feel the callings of Autumn and the thinning of the veil.

Halloween is the second largest holiday after Christmas and is gaining every year. Its origins are explored on every channel from the night of the Equinox until November comes to stay a time. All the while, we make up for the blindness imposed by the conquerors by creating OtherWorlds. We transform the mundane until we see witches, wizards, ghosts, vampires, goblins, demons and all manner of supernatural staring out at us from window clings and door hangings and lawn ornaments. We’ve begun to take back this time of wonder and have seeded the world with possibility again.

And it all starts now, with this turn of season, this coming of darkness, this resting of light.

May you find your own balance in this time of change. May your harvest be fruitful and see you through the winter. Most of all, may your eyes be open to the otherness standing so close as to be breathing upon your skin. They’ve waited all year to have your attention. Don’t put them off any longer.

Dare to Believe in this abundance of possibility.

More information: Mabon, Wiki-Goodness.....


Anonymous said...

X -

I so agree with all you've said. Autumn has always been my favorite time of the year - and that's not just because summer is a bitch on hot flashes!

I love the colors, the crispness in the air and all the upcoming festivities.

Thank you for your lovely post!

Beverly Rae - www.beverlyrae.com
Giggle, Gasp & Sigh with a Beverly Rae Romance

Moondancer said...

May all of you find your late harvests full and overflowing. May the sead of new growth an possibilities rest inside you to be nutured through the dark quiet time of the coming winter.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That was lovely.

This is my favorite time of the year and it's always very nice to hear from a kindred spirit.

Carolan Ivey said...

Thank you for the Mabon blessings.

We had a weekend as close to perfect as you get - clear, sunny, and cool. A hint of breeze, just enough to keep the mosquitoes at bay. The kind of weather I like to sit out on the back porch and channel my inner lizard. :)

The first leaves are starting to fall, so we'll be raking soon!

Unknown said...

Remembering back to when I was a child, I never really thought much about autumn or the changes it brings. My parents didn't explain the significance to me (they probably had no clue themselves). Now with children of my own I'm finding there is definitely something special about this time of year. Seeing things through their eyes gives me a new appreciation, especially as I reveal what I've learned in my life.

This is a wonderful post. Thanks! ~Calliope

Anonymous said...

Thanks to everyone who came to share their thoughts on Autumn and the change of the year.

It was wonderful to see how it touched others as well. :)
