In fangirl appreciation of tonights premier showing of Sci Fi's Highlander : The Source, I bring you a walk down a very visual Highlander memory lane.The original movie brought us Sean Connery and Christopher Lambert, two of the sexiest immortals I've ever been happy to 'study'. There might be only one, but here we have two. Must be some fuzzy math at work.

This first picture isn't even from The Highlander, but I'll take any excuse to put up a picture of Sean Connery in a white tux. >mmmmmmm<
Connery in a black tux looks just as fine.
Highlander also gave us Christopher Lambert. Who could have a problem with that?
In 1991 the movie studios released the first of several attempts to get Highlander II : The Quickening right. What a mess. Several Directors cut, Special Edition, Renegade version, and Fan Revisions later, you've got several entirely different movies to watch if you want to see them all. But we'll just look at some more shots of Connery and Lambert instead.
In 1994 Highlander III: The Final Dimension was released. A much better movie than that mess a few years before.
Still much wonderful Christopher Lambert to watch, but Sean Connery was sadly missing in this installment.
Fun Highlander trivia - Actress Deborah Kara Unger did her love scenes with 'Christopher Lambert' herself, declining to use a body double. Can you blame her? She's not immortal, so she doesn't get her picture here.
That brings us to 2000, and Highlander: Endgame. Endgame ties together the series that had been running on tv, with the movies.
And with Christopher Lambert, now we get Adrian Paul.
Adrian is our tv Highlander .
Highlander, The Series ran for six seasons, although Paul Adrian's charactor was not around much in the sixth. It was a very charactor driven series, with some high moments and some real low ones as the series neared its end.
A short lived spin off (Highlander : The Raven) gave us 22 episodes of female immortality, starring Elizabeth Gracen as Amanda.
I've got to say Amanda herself never did to much for me (that bleach blonde look - ugh), but the hunk in the background? He's Nick, played by Paul Johannson. And he is HOT.
Hello Gorgeous.
And in the final episode, can you guess what happens?
Yeah. He becomes immortal. One more yummy immortal walking the world!
That ends my visual stroll down memory lane. Tonight I hope we get more of the good that the Highlander series and movies has brought us, and less of the bad. But either way I'll be watching, enjoying the fantasy of men in kilts with big swords who can love a woman forever.
Do you have a favorite Highlander? Or are you like me - glad that there really can't be only one?
I loved Adrian Paul! Sean Connery though, till this day is one of the most handsomest men alive. MY OPINION!!
The guy who played methos wasnt have bad either.
Thanks for the stroll down memory lane.
Hey, what about Clancy Brown as the Kurgan? My hubby laughs when I call him the "Kurgie". He was evil, but kinda sexy...
Christopher Lambert was hot, but his voice was too high :) Or maybe it was just lame in comparison to the sexy purr of Sean Connery.
Adrian Paul....
I can't even say anything else, I'm just too caught up in the memories. :)
Never knew there were so many. Once we got rid of cable, I lost my portal to immortality, LOL.
Thanks for the visual treat!
Adrian Paul...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
But Sean...he's the man!!
We started watching the movie last night... Hubby kept having to pause so we could try to figure out what was going on!
Jody W.
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