If you could choose to be any sort of supernatural character, first off, would you? And if so, which one?
I've gone over the pros and cons and today I'm all about the Blood Babes. Vampiressesssess: Okay, I can't stop saying that once I start.
Immortal. I'd have mind control over people and have people get me chocolate any time I wanted. I'm sure I could eat it if I melted it first and sucked it down. If nothing else, I could make them eat it then suck their blood. Come to me, you little chocolate filled bonbon, you. Actually, I say that now, so there'd be absolutely no change for me on that one.
As a vamp I'd have an inherent ability to blend in with the upper class because my fangs would automatically cause me to lisp in a cool foreign accent. Although, knowing me, it'd probably still come out De children of de night, what beeyoootiful music they make, yall. Vamps are on a liquid diet, so they're all really thin, hot, and sexy, with fangs to use against anyone who says different.
I'd be a dermatologist's dream; the poster child for the phrase 'no such thing as a safe tan'; the the go to goth girl. Wait, I don't think so. I'd probably invest in one of those spray tan machines because I'm not really into being that transparent. However, I do solemnly swear that I'll never go to Jessica Simpson Defcon Orange Level, Vamp's honor.
Watch out for killer wood! I'll never be able to pick my teeth again, stakes are really bad and splinters must be avoided at all costs.
Go for the Gold! Silver jewelry is out. I can always substitue white gold though, but will it look good against my creamy flawless alabaster skin? Wait, I've got the spray on tan machine. Hmm.
Holy Water Sports, Batman! So, I can't go to church or be around crosses. Or can I? Depends on what books I've read. To quote the big green icky dude in Salem's Lot. "That only works in the movies, fool!" I'd wear a tasteful gold crucifix, just to mess with mortal's minds. *Note: Make sure I won't look like the big green icky dude.. ever*
That's a Spicy Meatball! Garlic is a purifier which is why it's protection against the undead. But if I'm going to be a vamp, I'm going to be a clean, sweet, fresh smelling one, so I'm not going near some funky graveyard in the first place. Plus, I'm sure I'll be on a low carb liquid diet I won't be eating any pizza or spaghetti lovers, therefore, no garlic. Voila! I'm good on this one!
Men think vampy vixens are sexy because they're drawn to their deep dark mysterious beauty. Oh please! They want some action, yall! Vamps give good fang, meaning they can almost guarantee their partners achieve the petite morte or the Big O. But beware, because while vamps reel you in with the promise of the 'little death' you could also get big death too.
So, do you know what suped up sexy creature you'd be? I've semi-decided on a vampire vixen, but I'm not totally sold. After all, once you go bat you can never go back, right?
Vampire without a doubt. I've loved most all things vampire for most of my life.
Shapeshifter all the way. Not like the ones who can't control thier change, IMO that's weak. A werewolf or a werecat would be very fun. Maybe that's why I write about them so much.
I like the vamps as you can see. I wanna be thin, evil and fangoliscious!
But I'm going to think on the shapeshifter one too. My character Lainie in The Wolf's Heart did say that werewolves just have PMS, so I can so relate. But that furry thing gets my girly leg shaving dander up somethin' awful.
Although it would be great to be young, thin, and hot for life, the whole liquid diet thing doesn't work for me.
I'm a Southern girl, too - gotta have my Lexington BBQ. :)
I think I'd be a shapeshifter. Like Moondancer said, I'd want control over my shifting, though. And I wanna eat meat. Lots of cow. Still mooing, thanks. [drool]
If I get to pick the shifter mythos, as much as I love vampires, I'm going with my Therians. Controlled shifting and an expanded culture are a must for me.
If I don't get to be a specific kind of shifter, I'd choose vampire. They've been a love of mine for decades.
I would do the shapeshifter. I have kids and refuse to only see them at night...even if I did look good.
Myself, only with the superpowers of healing, teleportation and constantly great hair :)
Jody W.
I'm just not a night person, so I don't think I could hack the vampire life. But there are some definite pros to being immortal and beautiful!
I think the pseudo-vamps, what I call hosts, from my forthcoming Samhain title The Host: Shadows. (Shameless plug). They have all the beauty, strength and mystique of vamps, with only the fangs and blood-cravings in common. Though having a trans-deminsional entity attached to my soul wouldn't be the height of fun, and I'd probably develope a taste for synthetic blood (Blood Lite) I could really handle all the other cool powers.
"Vamps are on a liquid diet, so they're all really thin, hot, and sexy..."
You are so evil funny, girl!
I think I'd like to be a winged "fallen angel" type creature. Someone like Raziel from PS2's Soul Reaver, but without the skinless body :)
I wanna fly.
The reason I like the thin vamp mythos is that I'm a plump evil funny girl. I'm sure there's chocolate flavored blood somewhere. I picked the vamp this round and will explore the shifty sistas next time, unless one of my blog-brethren get there first, which is totally cool too.
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