I'm wondering what's up with Hollywood and its prediliction with making werewolves out to be the bad guy. It all began with Lon Chaney Jr and continued with An American Werewolf in London which was an anti-tourist movie if ever I saw one. Stay home Americans, or this will happen to you! Then there was The Howling franchise, the second of which was just an excuse to give Christopher Lee a job, which is a great reason to do a movie! I love him! He's a wonderful actor. But another reason seemed to be to show Sybil Danning naked, and here's a word from the wise, it's a great view, but it only lasts a few minutes in the 'oohh' category before heading straight into 'ewww!' ville. That's a warning that my male cousins didn't have, yeah, I knew about it, but didn't tell them.
Underworld was slightly better (not really) with vamps against the werewolves, but still, everyone was bad in that movie, especially the acting. Cursed totally whimped out by making me think one thing the entire time then, taking it away at the end. And Christina Ricci's head is ginormous, so, she'd have made a goofy looking weregurrl, anyway. If I'd have been Pacey, I'd have stuck with that blonde Scott Baio lovin chick, at least she knows good actors when she sees them.
So, I was hoping that with the new movie Skinwalkers they'd give me some furries to love. Or at least give us a great Native American history lesson. No.. and um, no. Blood, guns, bullets, bikers and sex. Heck, I can go to Samhain right now, and pick out any paranormal shifter book and get 20 times the entertainment out of the first chapter than I got from this movie.
Now I know what some will say it's all about the beast within, the big bad wolf and yeah yeah I remember the Duran Duran 80's lupine love song, Hungry Like the Wolf. But seriously folks, can't we try to get along with our furry brethren? Wolves are pack animals, they like to be friends. Werewolves are the same thing, albeit with bigger teeth, and the attititudes , personalities and egos of the meanest mammals on the planet--man. But like any canine, they can be loyal, lovable and big hearted.
Werewolves are maligned, misquoted, and even mistreated with silver poisoning but has anyone called PETA to help them? No! Not that I'd want Pam Anderson near any of my werewolves. I'm not sure she'd survive. And no, I'm not talking about the males, I do have females in the pack. Hmm, I wonder if silicon can be digested by were-stomachs? I'll ask SJ, I bet he'll know.
Of the more recent werewolf movies, Blood & Chocolate surprised me by being better than I had expected it to be.
I'm hoping Skinwalkers will be also.
Well Jenna I agree. Looks like it's up to you to give us those lovable ones and convince those guys to make movies out of them.
Love your cover, actually I think I'd better read this book. Paranormal is your thing.
I was hoping too, Deiree. But Skinwalkers didn't do it, eh, not for me anyway. Almost all the movies are usually cheesy and bloody or the werewolf characters are just plain freaky!
Blood and Chocolate? I saw that at Hellmart, I may have to get it next time I descend into the depths.
Anna, you always say you like my paranormals. But you're right in a way. I don't know whether they can't get it right in movies or if Hollywood doesn't think we're ready for it. Either way any sort of romancing the wolves that happens soon is going to have to come from a book.
There was also some creepy movie back in the '70s that involved some incestuous were-panthers... anyone remember what movie that was?
Cat People (1982) remake of Cat People (1942), and yeah it was freaky. In the 1982 version, Irena aka Natasha Kjinksi (sp?)would have sex and then have to eat somebody to become human again. That's unless she had sex with her brother aka Malcolm McDowell who played his shagnasty role to the hilt. And yeah, eew. But seein how I remember both movies to this day, well, hmm. Still, ew.
ewwwww Cat People sounds gross. I just think Hollywood doesn't realize yet that we want the Werewolves and Vamps to be the Heroes for a change. The evil Vamps and Were days are over I think, I mean they can still be dark, but desirable to. maybe we'll hafta hit em over the head with it.
Jenna & Carolan: I shouldn't admit this--but if you really want "ew" I once saw an 80's x-rated take off of Cat People. It was gag inducing!
Back on topic...I was actually having the exact opposite thought as Jenna today. I was thinking about making a paranormal romance were the werewolf WAS the bad guy and not the hero of the story.
But as for Hollywood. Well, they need to read more romances. Period. Maybe then there would be better movies :)
Dark and dirty is good if done right. *grins*
I can't think of any movies with good weres but they (tried and failed) to make that tv series Wolf Lake where the weres weren't automatically villains.
Jody W.
I completely forgot about Professor Lupin in the Harry Potter books/movies - a werewolf who's a good guy!
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