03 October 2007

The Appeal of Paranormal Sex

You know, there is something about paranormal romances that doesn't get a lot of "talk time"...

Oh, we love to talk about the sexy paranormal hero and how he embodies the "dark" side of humanity. We'll talk about why we love to escape into new worlds and explore new mythologies. That's good stuff. Interesting stuff.

...but what about that other "stuff" we like in our paranormal romances?

SEX :) Sex with men who aren't human. Sex with women who are so much more than mortal. It doesn't matter if the paranormal is an erotic or a behind-closed-doors sweet story. Most sexual encounters in paranormal romances strain against society's conventions of "normal" sex.

The taboo aspect to paranormal sex sets it apart from other romances. It pushes the limits and often goes in the direction of rape and bestiality. Yes, those two words are loaded and controversial, but the truth is that those things are part of the human sexual psyche. If you disagree, I'd point you in the direction of any Nancy Friday book or ask you to peruse the laws on the books in your state.

Here is where I have to make an important point. I have NEVER read a paranormal romance where a woman or man is physically raped. NOR have I read a story where a human makes love to an animal. Obviously I haven't read every paranormal romance out there, but the big publishers and bigger e-publishers won't print those stories (and say so in their submission guidelines).

Rape and bestiality are not romantic. They are deeply embedded triggers inside the human experience.

But let's think about how many vampire lovers have visited the heroine in her dreams--not by her permission, but by overpowering her mind with their own to create a sexual encounter beyond the physical realm. Or how about when the hero makes love to the heroine and she's covered in fur and licking intimate parts with her very long tongue?

Hot stuff. Not for every romance reader, but I'm not the only one who likes edgy scenes. We are buying paranormal romances by the millions.

We walk a fine line in our stories and there are some authors who are true masters at bringing the reader tantalizingly close to those lines--without pushing them over. (If they would nudge too far, we'd squirm and put the book down. No author or publisher wants to have a reader do that!)

Okay, I touched on two reasons that I believe are involved in the appeal of paranormal sex. Why do you think paranormal romances and their love scenes are in such hot demand? Oh, come on. Spill.

--Totally off topic: I've got a free short story posted on my blog. Check it out here.--

~Margo Lukas


sjwilling said...

LOL actually paranormal sex doesn't really do anything for me. My paranormal sex scenes are for the most part human based.

But then, hey I'm a Brit and we're odd like that :)


Anonymous said...

I think the paranormal hero is the current version of that Alpha (with capital letters) hero. The heroes that are not necessarily politically correct.

Bodice rippers are out of style (for right now.) There has to be something that steps into its place until the out of style genre is back in demand.

author said...

What? Half-shifted sex is allowed? I had no idea!

Really? No, seriously. Really? Wow, the possibilities just flew wide open.

Jody W. and Meankitty said...

I remember doing a study of futuristics many moons ago where I noticed that a lot of the "alien" heroes included psychic sex techniques in their regular routines. It made me wonder -- how often do you have a paranormal romance *without* some unusual element to the sex? Apart from SJ's work :).

Jody W.

sjwilling said...

The psychic sex deal is a given. Who doesn't want a partner who knows exactly what you want and need without the embarrassment of having to either ask for it or give little nudges in the right direction.
Of course my hero in Poseidon VII have to deal with psychic sex. The difference there is other people are psychic and he's trying not to let others "hear" what's going on in his thoughts LOL


Sela Carsen said...

I love the "other" element to paranormal sex. The psychic part is pure fantasy. Fur is lusciously sensual, although I think the long tongue might have squicked me out a bit. Good topic!

Margo Lukas said...

SJ - so you're a Brit - that explains A LOT. :) Just kidding - I spent a semester in London and I enjoyed the British (except for the guys who just "hung" around on the streets - they scared me!)

SJ & Jody - Psychic sex is an interesting topic--The idea of having all your wants and desires known to your partner without speaking your wants aloud. I know I have enjoyed scenes like that as well as the more physical ones. I think you could do a whole post about the appeal of Psychic sex and what it means.

Chris - I was talking about your comment with my hubby and we both agreed that you had a very valid point. Perhaps monsters are the politically correct version of the 70's & 80's Alpha-to-the-core Hero. Perhaps our taboo paranormal sex has to do with an unconscious adhearence to sexual morality that demands the female be passive. Hadn't thought about that one before.

Emily - hmmm, let me reach into my bookcase behind me...From Ellora's Cave, Shiloh Walker's "Hunters: Declan and Tori". Start at page 114, but be warned--it's erotic!

Sela - I have to agree that fur (and any "otherwordly" feature like fins and fangs) ups the sensual factor. It takes those sex scenes into the "strange" and new catagory.

Romantic Heretic said...

I haven't read many paranormals. I'll confess to preferring vampires.

I like vampires, both reading and writing, for wish fulfillment.

The vampires I write are projecting empaths. They can control the emotions of their prey. Subtly, bit by bit, they can feed lust and passion to the people they're seducing.

Plus, they often have hundreds of years experience. They know just what to say, just where to touch.

It's nothing like rape as their meal is more than willing by the time they actually get around to the sex. ;)

Reading is wish fulfillment as well. It's a turn on putting yourself in the place of a vampire's target. To be wanted by some one as sexy as vampires are always portrayed is fun.

There's also an element of permission in vampire romances. Sex is still regarded as a somewhat sinful thing. But you can't be expected not to give in to something as powerful and sexual as a vampire. That vampires are usually 'bad' boys and girls adds to this.

I can't speak for the appeal of other paranormals. They don't appeal to me much.

Jenna Leigh said...

Emily, I've written half-shifted sex It was for another publisher and he was essentially a furry dude, but yeppers, done it.

Mostly though, I like the otherness of my were, vamp or psychic characters and use that difference to draw the human character in or even draw them in despite the difference. But during sex, besides odd fang or maybe claws, I tend to stay on the um.. skin side if you know what I mean.

Lexxie Couper said...

I've read (and written) a few half-shifted sex scenes... for me it's the idea of 'animal' sex. NOT sex with an animal, but the adjective sense of animal - wild, uninhibited, possibly savage sex... the kind that leaves you sore and aching and wanting even more. As a reader I like to think that kind of sexual activity is readily available (if only the DH and I weren't so tired and over-worked *grin*) but reality tells me it's not - hence the appeal of reading and writing about it.

There is something very arousing about the mystery created in paranormal sex - what will he/she do next? What is he/she capable of doing that a mere human isn't? I recently read an erotic paranormal by Renee George where the heroes could change aspects of their bodies at will. Tongues could become longer and thicker, as could.... well, you get the idea. I must admit, the idea of a partner being able to 'adjust' appendages to suit the needs at the time was very, very exciting.

Did any of that make any sense?

Lexxie Couper

Anonymous said...


What you wrote makes a great deal of sense, at least to me. I've read and written partial-shifted sex, along with participants who can alter and adjust as necessary.

There's something about the idea of becoming intimate with the otherness of a partner(s) that speaks to accepting all of someone in a way that human-human contact can't cover.

There's also a great deal a fun in playing with the concept of becoming perfectly fitted to one anothers bodies and fulfilling each others desires by adjusting at will.

The wonder of "what's next" definitely keeps me writing and reading paranormal love scenes. :)


Margo Lukas said...

Thanks for the comments. Sorry I didn't get back in here earlier--that darn "real life"!

I get a real quick out of these blog days...genre fiction has so many fascinating aspects. It's enjoyable to hear what other's are thinking.

Have a great Thursday tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

"There's something about the idea of becoming intimate with the otherness of a partner(s) that speaks to accepting all of someone in a way that human-human contact can't cover."

This aspect of paranormal romance really really appeals to me. Well said.